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Jerusalem Politics

The Issue of Counter-Terrorism in Politics

In the current international era of political nation-states resides a great danger to each one. The risk each holds, some more so than others, is that of being susceptible to a terrorist attack. It is for this reason that a career opportunity was designed specifically...

The Issue of Counter-Terrorism in Politics

In the current international era of political nation-states resides a great danger to each one. The risk each holds, some more so than others, is that of being susceptible to a terrorist attack. It is for this reason that a career opportunity was designed specifically...

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The Real Politics of the Middle East

Real Politics of the Middle East Nearly a half-century full of hatred and murder has passed and continues to this day. The Middle East is the most volatile place on the globe, despite numerous, ranging attempts to attain a sense of calm. The governments of the region...

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